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Grow and diversify the industry

Diversifying Queensland’s resources industry is essential to encourage sustainable, long-term economic growth. Growing Queensland’s new economy minerals industry and seizing the opportunities of a decarbonising global economy are both central to this.

What we want to achieve

  • The new economy minerals industry is supporting a vibrant processing and value-adding sector.
  • We are the global supplier of choice for premium commodities that are critical for low-emission technologies and we have supported global decarbonisation.
  • The METS industry is solving many global industry problems and is a major contributor to the Queensland economy.
  • Efficient exploration is driven by world-class data and digital technologies, including real-time digital earth visualisation.
  • Queensland’s traditional resources strengths have remained competitive for longer by decarbonising their operations and taking advantage of new pockets of demand growth in fast-growing Indo-Pacific economies.

What we will do to achieve these goals

The Queensland Government must work in partnership with the resources industry to grow and diversify the sector.  We will attract investment, and extend and strengthen supply chains, to create a new wave of industrialisation in Queensland regions based on new economy minerals mining, processing and manufacturing.

Actions to grow and diversify the industry

These actions will position Queensland's resources industry for sustainable growth over the next 30 years.

Read through the list below, or view the full list of actions for every key focus area in the plan.

Last reviewed 27 July 2024