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Foster coexistence and sustainable communities

To ensure the growth of Queensland's resources sector, the industry must work with landholders, communities and other industries in a spirit of sustainable coexistence founded on mutual benefit.

What we want to achieve

  • Local communities have benefited from years of coexistence with resources companies operating in their region.
  • Projects throughout regional Queensland have left and continue to leave a positive legacy in host communities.
  • Mine rehabilitation and post operations are providing local benefit, as sites have been converted to their highest and best social, economic, and environmental use.

What we will do to achieve these goals

The Queensland Government has committed to a range of actions that focus on supporting industry and community coexistence, including land access, mapping, regional planning, and legislation review.

Sustainable coexistence also needs to include a positive legacy for communities once resource projects end.

Actions to foster coexistence and sustainable communities

These actions will ensure the Queensland resources industry operates successfully and sustainably with local communities.

Read through the list below, or view the full list of actions for every key focus area in the plan.

Last reviewed 27 July 2024