
Electric ants in Queensland | Business Queensland

Electric ants in Queensland

The search is on for electric ants—register for a free yard check or report suspect electric ants today and help eradicate electric ants from Far North Queensland.

Don't accidentally spread electric ants—use our interactive map to check the location of the electric ant restricted zone, and the movement controls that apply.

Electric ants are a serious invasive pest that have the potential to impact our outdoor lifestyle, unique environment and profitable tourism and agriculture industries. They can inflict a painful, long-lasting, venomous sting. The reaction from their sting can range from moderate to severe pain and, in rare cases, may cause a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis).

For these reasons, electric ants are category 1 restricted matter under the Biosecurity Act 2014. Under the Act, all Queenslanders have a general biosecurity obligation to manage biosecurity risks and threats that are under their control, they know about or they are expected to know about.

The National Electric Ant Eradication Program has made significant progress in eradicating electric ants from Australia. Surveillance is ongoing, and treatment and containment measures are continuing in areas of Far North Queensland where the ants have been detected.

Keep up to date on the latest news and progress from the program by subscribing to our e-newsletter.

Contact our Customer Service Centre for additional information or questions regarding the program.

This guide will help you identify and effectively respond to electric ants.