
Surveying for electric ants | Business Queensland

Surveying for electric ants

The search is on for electric ants—register for a free yard check or report suspect electric ants today and help eradicate electric ants from Far North Queensland.

Don't accidentally spread electric ants—use our interactive map to check the location of the electric ant restricted zone, and the movement controls that apply.

Conducting regular surveillance for electric ants is vital to prevent the spread of this serious pest.

Surveillance by Biosecurity Queensland field officers uses a range of techniques that consist of both food lures and traps using a three-dimensional approach—that is, looking not just on the ground but also up into trees.

A variety of these techniques are used to ensure the tiny pest is detected if it is present, including:

  • on-ground lures
  • in-ground pit-fall traps
  • in-tree canopy traps
  • odour detection dogs.

On-ground lures

Footpath and targeted surveillance using on-ground lures are efficient and effective methods of detecting electric ants in residential areas and you may see our field officers carrying out this activity in your suburb.

To attract the ants, field officers use hotdog sausage lures that are attached to pink-taped wooden skewers. These lures do not contain chemicals and are safe if a pet accidentally consumes them.

If you see these lures on the street or in public areas, do not disturb them—if you have any queries or concerns, contact Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23.

In-ground pit-fall traps

In-ground pit-fall traps are a highly effective and sensitive method of conducting surveillance, usually to confirm the destruction of an infestation. The pit-fall traps contain lures and are left in the ground for, generally, one week.

If you see these traps set on the street or in public areas, do not disturb them—if you have any queries or concerns, contact Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23.

In-tree canopy traps

Canopy traps are an effective method of determining if electric ants have survived within a tree canopy. A lure is placed inside the trap and the trap erected in the tree for, generally, 1 week.

If you see these set in trees, do not disturb them—if you have any queries or concerns, contact Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23.

Odour detection dogs

Odour detection dogs can detect electric ants with great accuracy and are predominantly used to confirm that electric ant infestations have been destroyed once the bait treatment regime is complete.

Reporting electric ants

Community participation is vital to the successful control of electric ants. Although they are not easy to identify because of their small size, we ask that everyone search their yard, business premises and community spaces and report any suspect ants.

To report suspect ants, you can:

If you have reported before and had a negative result, do not hesitate to contact us again as electric ants are easily transportable and therefore may have been brought to your property, or an adjoining property, since we last visited.

If you are stung and experience a reaction, seek medical advice.