
Fire ants | Business Queensland

Fire ants

An overview of fire ants in Queensland, including biosecurity zones and information about your obligations to help stop the spread.


Fire ants in Queensland

Find out how to identify and deal with fire ants on your Queensland property, including reporting fire ants and first aid for fire ant stings.

Fire ant movement controls

Learn about the restrictions in place for moving materials that can carry fire ants.

Fire ant biosecurity zones

Find out about the fire ant biosecurity zones and learn if you're in an affected area.

Managing materials that may carry fire ants

Read about what you should do when producing, storing or moving materials that can carry fire ants.

Fire ant - species overview

Fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) is an invasive animal in Queensland. Fire ant is a restricted animal under Queensland legislation.

Fire ant training

Find online training packages to learn more about fire ants, and how to treat and manage them.