
Ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper support for primary producers | Business Queensland

Ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper support for primary producers

Report damage to your farm

Report any damages or losses to your farm through the disaster impact survey.

These reports help determine if you will need extra support during recovery.

You need to include date-stamped photos, which most mobile phone cameras do automatically.

Access financial assistance

Primary producers in eligible local government areas may be able to access:

If you have suffered significant damage from Ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper but you aren't in the activation area, you can apply for the individual disaster stricken property (IDSP) declaration.

Affected smaller scale producers and agriculture supply chain businesses can access small business support.

Recover after flood

Assess your crops, pasture, machinery and animals after flooding.

Minimise biosecurity risks

Learn how to meet your general biosecurity obligation to prevent spread of pests and diseases after flooding.

Find mental health and support


Contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.