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Review of domestic gas pilot program

In February 2017, the Queensland Government released for the first time land for gas development with the Australian market supply condition. Any gas produced on a tenure with the Australian market supply condition must be supplied and used in Australia to help meet domestic gas demand.


In 2019 the department commissioned Aurecon to conduct an independent review of the Australian market supply condition. In particular, on whether the condition is contributing to securing energy supplies for Australia, and any modifications or alternative policy options that might deliver a better result.

The review involved in-depth research and analysis of the gas supply and demand market, and included interviews with gas explorers/producers, industrial gas users, and industry peak bodies Queensland Resources Council and Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association.

Review report

The review was completed in early 2020 and makes 11 recommendations to improve the operation of the market supply condition. We have already begun to implement the recommendations.

Read the Review of the Australian market supply condition (PDF, 2MB), report prepared by Aurecon in 2020.

Note: This PDF document is not fully accessible. If you require this document in an alternative format, please email ResourcesPolicy@dnrme.qld.gov.au.

Last updated
21 July 2023
Last reviewed
21 February 2023