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Review of CSG-induced subsidence

We are seeking feedback on the proposed subsidence management framework. Read the draft legislation (PDF, 774KB) and have your say.

Consultation is open until 5pm 23 September 2024.

Queensland’s resources and agricultural sectors are vital to our economy and the success of our regions, so it’s important that they coexist well together.

Our coexistence framework supports interactions between these sectors; however, there are still some challenges, such as the issue of coal seam gas (CSG)-induced subsidence and its potential impact on farming operations.

CSG-induced subsidence occurs where groundwater is extracted by gas companies to allow gas production to occur, leading to compaction of the coal seams and possible surface-level subsidence. This has created concerns and uncertainty for landholders in relation to impacts on their agribusiness activities.

review of the regulatory framework for CSG-induced subsidence (PDF, 795 KB) was undertaken by the GasFields Commission Queensland (GFCQ), resulting in a number of recommendations being made to government.

Proposed subsidence management framework

On 18 April 2024, the Queensland Government introduced the Mineral and Energy Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 (the MEROLA Bill) to Parliament. The MEROLA Bill proposed to implement a risk-based coal seam gas (CSG)-induced subsidence management framework and actions all 8 recommendations outlined in the review of the regulatory framework for CSG-induced subsidence (PDF, 795 KB).

Read more about our response to the GFCQ’s review of CSQ-induced subsidence (PDF, 145KB) and our impact analysis statement on the proposed CSG-induced subsidence management framework (PDF, 386KB).

During consideration of the MEROLA Bill by the Clean Economy Jobs, Resources and Transport Committee, concerns were raised about the size of the Bill and that a consultation draft was not released for public feedback, before being introduced to Parliament.

In response to these concerns, Queensland Government decided to progress the MEROLA Bill without the CSG-induced subsidence management framework. This was done to allow stakeholders more time to provide feedback on the draft framework and identify any unintended consequences before it is reintroduced to Parliament.

Consultation on the proposed subsidence management framework is now open. Read the draft legislation (PDF, 774KB) and supporting information and have your say.

Consultation closes at 5pm on 23 September 2024.

The remaining aspects of the MEROLA Bill were passed by the Queensland Parliament on 12 June 2024. These address actions in the Queensland Resources Industry Development Plan to support the coexistence reforms to foster strong relationships between resources, agriculture and renewable industries.

The Mineral and Energy Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2024 (MEROLA Act) received royal assent on 18 June 2024.

More information

Last updated
02 July 2024
Last reviewed
21 February 2023