
Exemptions for minors on licensed premises | Business Queensland

Exemptions for minors on licensed premises

It's illegal for under 18s (minors) to be on licensed premises. However, these exemptions allow minors to be on the premises:

  • the minor is a resident on the premises
  • the minor is working on the premises as an employee or receiving training for employment or work experience, or performing duties for a lawful business
  • the minor is attending a function on the premises
  • the premises has a current community club licence, community-other licence or restricted liquor permit, and the minor's presence doesn't break the club's rules or a condition of the licence or permit
  • the Commissioner for Liquor and Gaming approves, or a condition of the licence or permit allows, the minor to be on the premises
  • the minor is eating a meal on the premises or is accompanied by an adult who is responsibly supervising them. This exemption doesn't apply if the minor is on the premises after 5pm and the premises is operating under a nightclub licence—then the minor is not exempt even if they're eating a meal or accompanied by an adult.

All staff of licensed premises, including bar staff, contracted security, bottle shop attendants and restaurant staff, are responsible for ensuring minors (except exempted minors) don't enter or remain on licensed premises. This is a requirement of the Liquor Act 1992.

Licensees must ensure their staff are aware of their obligations and the fines that can apply.

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