
Holding underage and all-ages events on licensed premises | Business Queensland

Holding underage and all-ages events on licensed premises

It's illegal for unaccompanied under 18s (minors) to be on licensed premises unless they're exempt minors.

As a liquor licensee, you can hold underage or all-ages events on your premises with approval from the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation.

First, you should read Guideline 11—Underage events and all ages events. If you meet the requirements of the guideline, you can lodge an application for a temporary variation of licence.

You're still legally required to check ID for underage and all-ages events to ensure minors don't buy or drink alcohol on the licensed premises.

You can be held liable and be penalised if a minor drinks alcohol on your premises that they or someone else bought from you.

Read more about the penalties for allowing underage drinking.

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