
Venue controls program | Business Queensland

Venue controls program

Liquor licensees have a responsibility to prioritise the safety and wellbeing of patrons, staff and the community.

Venue controls are the policies, procedures and training practices that liquor licensees put in place to guide and instruct their staff. These controls help minimise risks to the community that are often associated with intoxication, disorderly behaviour and violence in and around licensed premises.

Venue controls assist staff perform their roles to protect patrons and the community. When licensees actively observe, monitor and enhance venue controls they're likely to experience fewer incidents in or around the venue.

Our venue controls program supports licensees to develop the best strategies and to maintain controls that:

  • provide a safe environment that minimises the risk of alcohol-fuelled violence
  • manage disorderly or inappropriate behaviour
  • minimise negative impacts of the venue on the surrounding area.

We'll work with you to assess your existing controls and identify improvements. The types of controls we discuss will vary depending on your circumstances and any recommendations will be tailored to suit your venue.

We can consider the following aspects of your venue:

  • staff training
  • security
  • minors
  • responsible service of alcohol
  • management of unduly intoxicated and disorderly patrons
  • noise, entertainment and amenity
  • entry and exit points.

How to participate

We'll contact you if your venue is suitable for this program and encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity to work collaboratively with us.

We'll arrange to meet with you and key members of your management team, usually outside of peak trading times, to avoid disrupting your business and to ensure you have time to fully engage in the meeting.

Before the first meeting, we'll review your patron demographics, licence or permit type, peak trading periods, operations and other available information to assess which control points need to be prioritised.

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