
Regulated areas for aerial distribution of agricultural chemicals | Business Queensland

Regulated areas for aerial distribution of agricultural chemicals

Aerial distribution of agricultural chemicals is primarily regulated in southern, eastern and central regions of Queensland. In many local authorities of Queensland, particularly those in western or far northern regions, the provisions of the Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control Act 1966 do not apply. These areas have traditionally been used for grazing animal production, with only limited crop production.

Our Queensland interactive atlas contains a map detailing the areas where the Act applies and where aerial distribution is regulated (regulated areas), as well as those areas where its provisions do not apply at this time (excluded, or non-regulated, areas). The atlas provides a search engine, which enables you to view detailed maps down to a cadastral parcel level (e.g. down to an individual property).

Schedule 1 of the Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control Regulation 2021 provides a basic map giving an approximate indication of where the Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control Act applies. You need to consult the atlas for precise locations.

Hazardous areas

Hazardous areas 1, 2 and 3 have been declared in response to the volatility of some herbicides that can cause damage in susceptible cropping areas.

All 3 hazardous areas have prescribed restricted herbicides that may be either:

  • distributed by pilots who hold a pilot chemical rating licence and a herbicide distribution permit
  • or
  • not permitted for use.

Learn more about hazardous area herbicide distribution permits, including descriptions of each declared hazardous area, the herbicides restricted in each area and how to apply for a herbicide distribution permit.

The interactive atlas details precise locations of the 3 hazardous areas (regulated hazardous areas).

Schedules 2, 3 and 4 of the Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control Regulation 2021 provides basic maps giving an approximate indication of where each hazardous area is located. You need to consult the atlas for precise locations.

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