
Chemical application licence search | Business Queensland

Chemical application licence search

Under the Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control Act 1966 (ACDC Act) certain information provided by the licensee is required to be available to the public.

Note: A licensee who applied for and was issued with, for example, a commercial operator’s licence has consented to parts of their information being disclosed.

Information in the register includes:

  • personal or business trading name
  • licence number
  • physical address
  • licence effective date
  • licence expiry date

Name searches can include 1 or more words, including first and last names or business names, but not locality

Licence number searches must include the full number including the letter prefixes (e.g. G, GDC, A, ADC).

If you are want to hire commercial spray operators, use this search tool to verify that the individuals doing the spraying, and the commercial spraying business, are licensed.

If you want to promote your spraying services, it is recommended you use business websites or phone books.

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