
Building a strong case to support your grant application | Business Queensland

Building a strong case to support your grant application

Before you begin writing your application, consider how your project idea will translate into action.

To give yourself the best chance of success, and to present a convincing business case, you should describe:

  • your business and its activities
  • your project idea and how it aligns with the objectives of the grant program
  • what activities and outputs your project will deliver
  • why your project needs funding and why it represents value for money
  • how you will successfully bring the project to completion
  • benefits of your project to your business and include the long-term broader regional and/or community benefits (e.g. creation of jobs, preservation of existing jobs in the region)
  • how your project is likely to stand out from other applicants who may be seeking funding for a similar project idea
  • how you are competitive in your sector – a grant assessor will want to see that you are serious about remaining competitive (Note: The government has a responsibility to see that public funds are used by productive, profitable and effective businesses that will achieve successful outcomes).

Include and explain the involvement of any third parties (e.g. financial adviser, business coach, accountant) in your business and specifically address why their involvement is significant. Demonstrate that you have sought expert advice where relevant and have applied those learnings when necessary.

Provide proof of eligibility

You must provide sufficient proof that your business meets the grant's eligibility criteria, as this is the first step in the assessment process.

Make sure you clearly demonstrate how your project aligns with the grant program's aims and provide all the information needed for your application to be assessed.

If you need further clarification or advice, contact the funding agency.

Before submitting your application

Use the grant application checklist to confirm that your application is complete and ready to be submitted for assessment.

After submitting your application

Make sure you respond promptly to any requests for further information. Not being contactable may delay your application and cause you to miss out on funding if the grant round closes quickly.