
Decision review process for grant applications | Business Queensland

Decision review process for grant applications

If your grant application for a program administered by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT) is deemed ineligible for funding, you will be notified that your application has not been approved. DESBT is committed to the delivery of high-quality services and a review of the decision process is available in certain circumstances.

Requesting a review

If you believe a decision regarding your eligibility to receive grant funding is incorrect, you can request a review in writing within 30 days of the decision being issued to you. Your request should clearly state the grounds for overturning the decision and include all relevant supporting material.

DESBT will only initiate the review process upon receiving a formal request and all necessary supporting materials. All program eligibility criteria must be met for an original decision to be overturned. You will receive written notification of the review outcome within 60 business days from the date of your written request.

Decisions eligible for review

Decisions related to the eligibility of grant funding applications according to the program guidelines can be reviewed. However, decisions made with relation to expressions of interest, public interest grounds and comparative assessment will not be reconsidered.

How to request a review

Submit your review request by email to the appropriate grant mailbox within 30 days of the decision. Include your unique grant application ID.

Grant-specific email addresses and application ID examples

Grant programEmail Application ID format
Business Basics BBASx-xxxxx
Business Boost BBOOx-xxxxx
Business Growth Fund BGFxxxxx

Include the following in your review of decision request email:

  • your unique grant application ID
  • detailed grounds for overturning the decision
  • information on meeting specific eligibility criteria
  • any critical information overlooked in the original application
  • additional information requested by DESBT.

Review process

An independent review officer will undertake a comprehensive review, considering all information and documentation submitted with the original application. The officer may request clarification if needed. This review is designed to ensure compliance with assessment procedures and grant program guidelines and verifies the correct consideration of all relevant information and documentation.

If an error in processing is identified, your application will be re-assessed. DESBT will overturn the original decision only if satisfied that all eligibility criteria are met.

At the end of the review DESBT will email, and either:

  • confirm the original decision
  • or
  • issue a new decision.

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