
Register of doctors and medical providers | Business Queensland

Register of doctors and medical providers

The register is a list of providers approved by Resources Safety & Health Queensland (RSHQ) to carry out functions under the Coal Mine Workers' Health Scheme. These functions are:

  • carrying out, supervising or reporting on health assessments
  • providing spirometry or spirometry training
  • taking or examining chest X-rays.

Providers must meet entry and other ongoing requirements to be an approved provider on the register. Providers can also be used for respiratory health surveillance for mineral mine and quarry workers.

Doctors approved under the Coal Mine Workers' Health Scheme as a 'supervising doctor' are considered adequately qualified and experienced to be used as an 'appropriate doctor' for respiratory health surveillance for mineral mine and quarry workers.

The register is one of the reforms introduced to improve the early detection of mine dust lung diseases, including coal workers' pneumoconiosis and silicosis, in Queensland mine and quarry workers.

This guide explains how doctors and medical providers can apply to be an approved provider.

Find a registered medical provider