
Report an incident | Business Queensland

Report an incident

You must notify an inspector of mines if a serious accident or high-potential incident occurs at your site.

For information on reporting requirements for metalliferous mines and quarries, read Safety and health reporting for mineral mines and quarries.

For information on reporting requirements for coal mines, read QGN07: Reporting serious accidents and high potential incidents to an inspector of mines or an industry safety and health representative (PDF, 643KB).

Immediate notifications

You must immediately notify an inspector of mines in the case of:

  • an accident causing death
  • an accident causing admission to hospital for a bodily injury endangering or likely to endanger life
  • a high-potential incident of a type prescribed by regulation.

Online incident forms

You must submit an incident form following your verbal notification and whenever an incident is confirmed as a lost time/disabling incident, disease or high-potential incident. You must also submit a monthly summary report at the end of each calendar month.

Please note that some minor changes have been applied to the online incident forms – effective from 1 July 2019 – to improve reporting (e.g. some of the field names on the 'Incident Details' page have been amended to clarify data required).

The Queensland mining industry reporting manual (PDF, 1.4MB) has instructions to help you complete the online incident forms. The manual has been updated – effective from 1 July 2019 – to provide a better understanding of reporting requirements and an improved guide to completing the incident report and monthly summary forms.

Submit an incident report Submit a monthly summary report