
Cloncurry extension magnetotelluric survey | Business Queensland

Cloncurry extension magnetotelluric survey

The Cloncurry extension survey began in 2019 and is being conducted as part of the Queensland Government's Strategic Resources Exploration Program in collaboration with Geoscience Australia.

The project aims to build on the success of the 2016 Cloncurry magnetotelluric survey by extending coverage to prospective undercover sequences to the north-west.

Data and reports

Data and modelling results are available from the 2016 Cloncurry survey.

We expect data from the extension survey to be available from July 2020.

This data release will be followed by modelling and interpretation for the combined 2016 Cloncurry and Cloncurry extension surveys.

Industry benefits

Industry will gain greater knowledge of the subsurface geology over a wider area of North West Queensland.

Mineral explorers will gain high-resolution information of the deep structural architecture of the Eastern Fold Belt of the Mount Isa Inlier.

About the survey

Magnetelluric sites are being collected by Zonge Engineering on a 2km grid with a bandwidth of 10,000 Hz to 1000 s.

Map showing the location of the planned Cloncurry extension magnetotelluric survey sites compared to existing magnetotelluric data and regional magnetic data

Location of the planned Cloncurry extension magnetotelluric survey sites compared to existing magnetotelluric data and regional magnetic data

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