
Strategies for liquor accords | Business Queensland

Strategies for liquor accords

Join a liquor accord

Help minimise alcohol and gambling-related harm, receive updates, discuss important issues, and connect with other licensees and government agencies.

Use the interactive map to find information about liquor accords near you.

Consider adopting these strategies and campaigns as part of your liquor accord's approach to harm minimisation.

Responsible service of alcohol

Licensees and their staff have an obligation to ensure the Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) for the safe and compliant operation of licensed venues.

Adopt the 'Follow the law' campaign to help ensure your members comply with RSA requirements. The campaign includes refresher courses for licensees and their staff and free downloadable posters to display.

Minors and under-age drinking

Licensees and their employees have a legal responsibility to prevent under-age people (unless exempt) from entering their licensed premises and refusing the sale of alcohol.

Campaigns such as 'What are you really buying them?' can be supported by accord members to help educate staff and customers about the potential consequences of supplying minors alcohol.

Read more about exemptions for minors on licensed premises.

Targeting school leavers

Liquor accords have developed many successful harm minimisation initiatives to educate school students. The 'Think the Drink' campaign was originally developed by the Goondiwindi liquor accord and has since been adopted by many others. The initiative provides alcohol awareness to school leavers. Its topics include:

  • acceptable behaviour in licensed venues
  • obligations of staff and patrons
  • information on standard drinks and intoxication levels.

Variations to this initiative have also provided opportunities for participants to be awarded with RSA training certificates, opening the door to future employment opportunities.

Banning problem patrons

A patron banning policy can reduce inappropriate behaviour, including acts of violence, in your area by banning problem patrons from entering venues indefinitely or for specified periods.

It is important that each individual licensee makes their own decision as to whether a patron will be banned from their premises.

Read how one liquor accord decided to introduce a banning system to improve safety.

For more information about implementing a banning policy, email:

Arthur McMahon
President, Townsville liquor accord

Communication networks between venues

Enhancing communication between venues can improve the safety and amenity within an accord area. Communication networks can help deal with unruly patrons and provide warnings about incidents or troublesome patrons who may be moving between venues.

Options to enhance communication include networked radio systems (as implemented by the Hervey Bay liquor accord) or free messaging apps available on smart phones.

For more information, email

Designated driver and road safety

Strategies like 'Heroes do zero' aim to reduce alcohol-impaired driving by rewarding or incentivising drivers who don't consume alcohol on a night out.

Programs such as 'Drink Rite' demonstrate why alcohol and driving don't mix.

Accord members can also develop other strategies to promote road safety, for example offering discounted meals or non-alcoholic drinks to designated drivers.

Patron safety campaigns

Patron safety campaigns like Ask for Angela and the OzAngel program assist patrons who feel vulnerable, threatened, or unsafe while out (with friends, on a date or on their own). These initiatives are easy to adopt, support an excellent cause and generally require little to no funding.

Accords can also develop their own unique campaigns targeting patron safety such as the Townsville liquor accord's domestic and family violence campaign, 'Is your relationship ticking the right boxes?'.

Read a newsletter article about the OzAngels campaign.

Reducing gambling-related harm

Accords can play an important role in promoting safer gambling practices and reducing gambling-related harm within their communities.

The 'When gambling took over...' campaign aims to raise awareness of the signs of gambling harm, reduce stigma through storytelling, and encourage gamblers who are experiencing harm to seek help. It includes free downloadable posters and a stakeholder kit containing content for newsletters and social media that can be shared among networks.

Accords can organise safer gambling network meetings in conjunction with their local Gambling Help Service (GHS) provider. These forums provide opportunities to discuss important issues related to gambling harm minimisation and learn more about the services offered by GHS providers.

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