
Paying a non-compliance infringement notice | Business Queensland

Paying a non-compliance infringement notice

If you've received a liquor-related infringement notice you must pay it within 28 days. The details of the offence, including the fine payable, are displayed on the ticket.

You must pay your infringement notice to the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) using one of the following methods:

  • Online
    Pay by valid credit card (Visa or Mastercard only) through the secure BPOINT infringement payment portal. You can print the receipt and/or receive it by email.
  • By phone
    Call 1300 139 671 during business hours.
    Pay by valid credit card (Visa or Mastercard only) is available. You will be issued a receipt number that you should record on your infringement notice.
  • By mail (do not send cash)
    Pay by cheque or money order made payable to the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation.
    Send the entire infringement notice with payment to:
    Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation
    Locked Bag 180
    CITY EAST  QLD  4002
  • In person
    Pay by cash, cheque, money order or credit card (Visa or Mastercard only) during the hours 8.30am to 4.30pm (Monday to Friday) at
    Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation
    Queensland Government Service Centre, Upper Plaza
    33 Charlotte Street
    Or by cash, cheque, money order or EFTPOS at any OLGR regional office.

Your payment must be received by OLGR within 28 days of the date of infringement. If mailing your payment, allow sufficient time for mail delivery. Extensions are not granted by OLGR.

Paying a fine by instalment

If the penalty is $200 or more, you may apply to pay the fine by instalments under a payment plan.

Payment plans

To apply to pay by instalments, you need to:

  • tick the box on the back of the yellow infringement notice
  • complete the details (name, address, signature and date)
  • forward the infringement notice to OLGR with an upfront payment of at least $60.

The file is then transferred to the State Penalties Enforcement Registry (SPER).

All future payments relating to payment plans are then made directly to SPER or can be paid at any court house throughout Queensland. Payment plans do not incur extra fees.

Lost infringement notice

If you have lost your infringement notice and want to apply for a payment plan you must forward a signed written authority (including the infringement notice number) to OLGR. If the notice number is not known, include your name, address, phone number and date of birth.

SPER will send you information about paying the balance. OLGR will not accept further payments after this is issued.

Failing to pay your fine by the due date

If the penalty remains unpaid after the due date, the outstanding amount will be registered for enforcement by SPER and a registration fee will be payable in addition to the fine.

Once the file is lodged with SPER, they will make all efforts to have the fine finalised and this may result in a warrant being issued, incurring additional fees.

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