
Gaming guideline G11: Supervising gaming machines | Business Queensland

Gaming guideline G11: Supervising gaming machines

Gaming Machine Act 1991 - Section 60
Gaming Machine Regulation 2002 - Section 13

This guideline helps licensees to understand what supervision is required for gaming machines within an approved gaming area.

This, in conjunction with the following guidelines, replaces Gaming guideline G03: Plans that was issued in 2009:

Constant supervision

Under section 13 of the Gaming Machine Regulation 2002, a licensee must ensure that the layout of the gaming area allows the licensee and staff to continuously supervise each gaming machine that is available for gaming. This supervision must take place from a location in the licensed premises in which the licensee and staff would normally be present at all times.

When supervising gaming within a gaming area:

  • it should be conducted from a bar or other location that is staffed during all hours of gaming
  • the face of each gaming machine that is available for gaming must be visible
  • it is acceptable for the supervision to take place from a combination of constantly staffed locations.

OLGR will not approve the use of floorwalkers as adequate constant supervision of gaming machines. However, we do acknowledge that floorwalkers are valuable to the supervision of gaming, in addition to meeting customer service expectations.

Direct sight

Direct sight is the preferred method of supervision, provided that the view from the point of supervision is unobstructed and is within a reasonable distance to the gaming machines.

Where direct sight is not possible, the use of mirrors and/or closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras is recommended.


Mirrors will only be accepted as methods of supervision where:

  • the view between the point of supervision, the mirror, and the relevant gaming machines is unobstructed
  • they are placed within a reasonable distance from the gaming machines and location of supervision.


The monitor used with CCTV cameras to supervise gaming:

  • must be located in an area that is constantly staffed
  • can be colour or black and white.

The CCTV cameras used must:

  • have a quality lens that can provide adequate supervision of the face of each gaming machine it is monitoring
  • be operational when at all times that gaming is available (including the monitor).

For more information, contact OLGR on 13 QGOV (13 74 68) or email

Re-issued 12 July 2019

(Issued July 2003 and re-issued January 2009 as part of guideline G03: Plans)

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