
Gaming guideline G10: ATM and EFTPOS machines | Business Queensland

Gaming guideline G10: ATM and EFTPOS machines

Gaming Machine Act 1991 – Section 60
Gaming Machine Regulation 2002 – Schedule 2

This guideline provides information about the placement and installation of automatic teller machines (ATMs) and electronic funds transfer machines (EFTPOS) in relation to gaming areas.

This, in conjunction with the following guidelines, replaces Gaming guideline G03: Plans that was issued in 2009:

Under Schedule 2 of the Gaming Machine Regulation 2002, licensees are required to ensure that:

  • ATMs and EFTPOS machines (used for the dispensing of cash), are not located in (or in close proximity to) an area of the licensed premises used for gaming
  • all ATMs installed at the licensed premises accept debit cards only.

If you fail to comply with the conditions of the gaming licence, you may have to show cause as to why the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) should not suspend or cancel your licence.

Installing ATMs

When installing or relocating an ATM, you will need to lodge a whole-of-site plan with the location of the ATM(s) and the gaming area(s) clearly shown.

We strongly recommend that ATMs are installed as far away from the gaming area as possible. In addition to the requirements of Schedule 2, the Responsible Gambling Code of Practice recommends that ATMs are not to be located in close proximity to any designated gambling area (e.g. where gaming machines, TAB or Keno facilities may be offered). In line with Responsible Service of Gambling (RSG) practices, ATMs should be screened from the gaming room and visible signage limited.

OLGR acknowledges that licensees must meet other requirements, such as health and safety laws. However, the licensee must meet the conditions of their gaming licence while also adhering to any other regulatory requirements. We recommend that the ATM is removed if other regulatory requirements result in the ATM being located in close proximity to the gaming area.

EFTPOS terminals

EFTPOS terminals are viewed in much the same way as ATMs, and the above advice should be taken into account when placing EFTPOS terminals.

OLGR has no issue with the location of EFTPOS terminals that are not used for the dispensing of cash, provided these are signed accordingly at the site and marked as such on the plan.

For more information, contact OLGR on 13 QGOV (13 74 68) or email

Re-issued 12 July 2019

(Issued July 2003 and re-issued January 2009 as part of guideline G03: Plans)

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