
Processing venue-initiated exclusions | Business Queensland

Processing venue-initiated exclusions

Venue-initiated exclusions are directed by the gambling provider. You can issue an exclusion if you believe the patron is experiencing gambling-related harm. You can exclude the patron from your licensed premises or the gaming machine areas within the premises.

Use the venue-initiated exclusion flowchart as a guide to processing exclusions.

Gambling providers must complete form 3D—exclusion direction and form 3I—information notice—exclusion direction to start a venue-initiated exclusion.

Venue-initiated exclusions remain in place for 5 years unless the patron applies in writing to your venue to revoke the exclusion, and you agree.

If you initiate the exclusion of a patron (or refuse an application for re-entry by an excluded patron), they can appeal that decision to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT).

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