
Exclusion compliance for gambling providers | Business Queensland

Exclusion compliance for gambling providers

Under liquor and gaming legislation, all gambling providers (except lotteries, bingo, charities and not-for-profits) must take reasonable steps to prevent excluded patrons from entering or remaining in licensed premises or gaming machine areas.

Ensure your staff are trained in how to recognise and respond to the signs of gambling-related harm and how to provide patrons advice about, and assistance with, exclusion.

To understand what you must do:

Tips for helping patrons comply with exclusions

  • Don't send excluded patrons any promotional or advertising material about the venue (fines may apply). Remove them from your mailing lists and social media accounts.
  • Ensure card-based gaming and player loyalty accounts are disabled (partially or fully) or cancelled when an exclusion takes effect. Make sure the patron doesn't reactivate their card or open a new account during their exclusion period.
  • Ensure staff have seen photos of excluded patrons and scan CCTV for them (consider using facial recognition technology).
  • Ensure staff don't pay out jackpots to excluded patrons (ensure form 30—payout refusal report is completed and lodged with the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) as soon as possible).
  • If an excluded person is identified in your venue, escort them from the venue in an orderly and sensitive way and offer to help them get in touch with a gambling help service.

What to do if a patron breaches an exclusion

You're required by law to take reasonable steps to prevent excluded patrons accessing exclusion areas and remove patrons who breach exclusions. Your venue must have policies and procedures to prevent excluded patrons from entering or remaining on the premises.

You (and the excluded patron) have obligations to ensure a contravention of an exclusion order/direction doesn't occur. Any contravention will be investigated by OLGR and all contributing factors will be examined.

You're also required by law to report to OLGR any patron who breaches their exclusion. You must complete form 3H—notice of contravention of self-exclusion order/exclusion direction and lodge it with OLGR within 7 days, along with a copy of the self-exclusion order (form 3B) or exclusion direction (form 3D). You can lodge it: