
Cha-om | Business Queensland



Have you seen Cha-om?

Be on the lookout for Cha-om and report it to Biosecurity Queensland. Early detection and reporting are the key elements in preventing Cha-om from becoming a major problem in Queensland.

Call us on 13 25 23.

Native to south and South-East Asia, cha-om is a prickly shrub. It can be confused with the native species Senegalia albizioides and a near-threatened, native climbing and prickly subspecies. It invades nature ecosystems.

You must take reasonable action to minimise the risk of spreading Cha-om to ensure the situation isn't worsened.

You must report all sightings to Biosecurity Queensland within 24 hours.

Cha-om is not a leafy vegetable and must not be grown in your backyard to use in cooking.

Scientific name

Senegalia pennata sp. insuavis


  • Shrub up to 5m tall.
  • Scattered prickles along branchlets, stems.
  • Leaves are bipinnate.
  • Flowers are cream-yellow.
  • Pods are flattened.
  • Flowers, leaves, stems have strong odour.
  • Can be confused with native species Senegalia albiziodes and Senegalia pennata subsp. kerrii.


  • Prefers disturbed habitats, generally near rainforests.


  • Occurs in South East Queensland and Far North Queensland.



  • Invades natural ecosystems.


  • Invades pastures and reduces beef production.

How it is spread

  • Spread by people who grow it for use as a vegetable.


Legal requirements

  • Cha-om is a prohibited invasive plant under the Biosecurity Act 2014.
  • You must not keep, move, give away, sell or release into the environment. Penalties may apply.
  • You must not take any action reasonably likely to exacerbate the biosecurity threat posed by cha-om.
  • You must take any action that is reasonably likely to minimise the biosecurity threat posed by cha-om.
  • You must report all sightings to Biosecurity Queensland within 24 hours.

Further information