
Biosecurity Act 2014 | Business Queensland

Biosecurity Act 2014

Biosecurity involves managing the risks and impacts associated with pests and diseases. It plays a vital role in Queensland's agricultural industries.

The Biosecurity Act 2014 (the Act) provides measures to protect our agricultural sector, economy, environment and the community from biosecurity risks.

Protecting our farms from pests and diseases:

  • ensures continued market access for our products
  • helps support profitable industries
  • maintains our reputation for high standards of animal care
  • reduces the risk of chemical contamination and promotes a safe food supply
  • reduces risks to the natural resources needed for sustainable production
  • keeps our environment healthy.

Biosecurity Queensland is responsible for leading and coordinating the Queensland Government's biosecurity initiatives.

General biosecurity obligation

Under the Act, we all have a general biosecurity obligation (GBO) to ensure that we do not spread a pest, disease or contaminant. We are all responsible for managing biosecurity risks that are under our control.

Key tools under the Act

The Act allows the Queensland Government to take immediate action to manage biosecurity risks, by:

  • issuing biosecurity emergency orders to isolate and stop the spread of a pest or disease
  • issuing movement control orders to restrict or prohibit the movement of a pest or disease carrier
  • undertaking surveillance or prevention and control programs to identify and control a pest or disease in non-emergencies
  • establishing biosecurity zones to restrict the movement of pests and diseases within an area
  • issuing biosecurity orders if you have not met your GBO. A biosecurity order may include the actions you need to take and a time for the officer to return to check that you have complied with the actions.