
What to do if you suspect JEV in your pigs | Business Queensland

What to do if you suspect JEV in your pigs

Pig owners and people who manage pigs have a legal obligation, known as the general biosecurity obligation, to take all reasonable and practical measures to prevent or minimise the effects of a biosecurity risk.

Japanese encephalitis poses a serious biosecurity risk. This means pig owners are legally required to reduce the risk of JEV infection and limit the spread when dealing with pigs.

Who to contact if you suspect JEV

If you suspect JEV in your pigs, contact your private veterinarian immediately.

If your veterinarian believes your pigs may have JEV, they will take samples from your pigs and submit the samples for testing at a government laboratory. Initial test results are usually available 1 working day after the laboratory receives the samples.

What to do while waiting for test results

While you are waiting for laboratory test results, isolate pigs showing clinical signs consistent with JEV until you obtain the results.

Ensure you take steps to reduce the risk of people being infected.

If the results are negative for JEV, they will be reported to your veterinarian who may wish to take more samples to further investigate your pig's illness.

A Biosecurity Queensland officer will contact you if your test results indicate JEV infection in your pigs.

Read what happens if your pigs are infected with JEV.