
Changing sheep and goat earmark ownership | Business Queensland

Changing sheep and goat earmark ownership

You have to transfer a brand or earmark when:

  • the company that owns the registered brand or earmark is dissolved
  • a part owner is added or removed
  • ownership of the brand changes.

Apply to transfer ownership

Before submitting your application form to transfer a brand or earmark, you must ensure:

  • all signatures have been witnessed by a justice of the peace, solicitor, barrister, legal practitioner or commissioner for declaration – they must also state their position(s) on the form
  • all current registered owners have signed the form
  • all new owners have signed the form
  • if an owner is deceased, the executor or administrator of their estate has signed the form, and stated their capacity as executor or administrator
  • if the owner is a company, the company secretary and director has signed, or 2 directors, or a sole director – they must also state their position(s) on the form
  • the correct fee is included with your transfer form.

You must also provide any necessary documents with your transfer form, if:

  • someone holds a power of attorney – forward a copy of the power of attorney document
  • a brand is being transferred to a trust – provide a copy of the trust papers.

Transferring a sheep brand, symbol or earmark

A sheep paint brand, symbol or earmark will only be transferred if it is to be used in the same district it was originally registered. If the sheep brand or earmark is to be used in a different district, it will be cancelled and you will need to apply to use it in the new district.

A paint brand may only be used in the same colour and position as shown on the certificate of registration.

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