
Marketing organic pig products | Business Queensland

Marketing organic pig products

Demand for organically certified food is increasing, as consumers demand better quality food with higher guaranteed levels of food safety, and the guarantee that animals have been raised in an ethical way.

Marketing your organic pig products in the right way can help your business grow.


Pork that has been raised on a certified organic farm is entitled to:

Using the Australian Government Certified logo on your pork product tells consumers that it has been produced in accordance with organic production principles from the farm gate through to retail shelf, and guarantees that a clear, traceable audit trail exists.

Certified products are only recognised where accompanied by valid and up-to-date paperwork that has to be carried by transporters and retailers.

Your CO will be able to help advise you on the use of logos on certified produce, and many markets produce their own labelling.

Retailers and suppliers of organic pig products

Retailers who sell organic pork products must check their suppliers to make sure their certificates and other records are up to date.

Retailers and restaurants claiming to sell organic produce are also checked by a CO.