
Identify and control diseases in pigs | Business Queensland

Identify and control diseases in pigs

Common diseases that affect pigs:

Notifiable diseases and symptoms

In Queensland, you must report these diseases to Biosecurity Queensland:

You must immediately report these signs:

  • a lot of ill or dead animals, including birds and aquatic animals
  • rapid spread of disease through a herd or flock
  • animals that are lame, drooling or salivating excessively
  • animals that have ulcers, erosions or blisters around the feet, muzzle, udder or teats or in the mouth
  • unusual nervous signs
  • profuse bloody diarrhoea
  • respiratory distress or persistent coughing in horses
  • deep smelly, fly-struck wounds.

There are no government charges for investigations into suspected notifiable diseases, including negative diagnoses. All reports are treated confidentially.

The AUSVETPLAN manuals set out roles, responsibilities and policies for responding to animal disease emergencies.