
Prevent varroa mite | Business Queensland

Prevent varroa mite

We are working with the beekeeping industry, state and federal governments and expert groups to:

Monitor your hives

Check your hives for varroa mite using the alcohol wash method, at least every 16 weeks.

Report to Biosecurity Queensland

Report your hive checks, even if you do not find any suspect mites.

Immediately phone Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23 to report:

  • unexpected hive deaths
  • deformed bees
  • bees with parasites
  • poor brood patterns
  • dead brood.

Keep accurate records

Queensland beekeepers who wish to move bees outside their premises must create a movement record before the movement. Records can be kept in any format (e.g. manual hard copy, spreadsheet, beekeeping software or mobile app) and must be legible and readily accessible for 2 years.

Maintain your biosecurity entity registration:

Follow the movement requirements

Follow the requirements for moving bees and equipment into Queensland.

The varroa mite biosecurity zone is in place.

Stay informed