
Animal welfare complaints in Queensland | Business Queensland

Animal welfare complaints in Queensland

If you suspect cruelty to animals or that animals aren't being cared for properly, you should make an animal welfare complaint.

You may suspect that an animal:

  • is at immediate risk of death or injury, such as locked in a hot car or bogged
  • is not being cared for properly
  • is being treated cruelly (i.e. beaten, kicked or otherwise abused)
  • has been deliberately abandoned
  • is being used in an illegal activity where it will suffer, such as a cockfight or dogfight
  • is being deliberately baited or poisoned (other than for officially declared feral or pest animal control)
  • is sick or injured and is not being treated
  • is not getting appropriate feed or water and is suffering
  • is not being given an appropriate place to live with regard to its age, breed or size.

Preferably, an animal welfare inspector should talk to someone about how they are treating an animal before the situation deteriorates to the point that they commit an offence. Generally, once an offence has been committed, the animal has already suffered and that should be avoided where possible.

This guide describes the animal welfare complaints process in Queensland.