
How do I register a design in Australia? | Business Queensland

How do I register a design in Australia?

To register a design you must file an application with IP Australia.

Making the application

You can file the application online or download a paper application from IP Australia's website. You can also engage an attorney to file the application for you.

Processing of the application

The application to register a design is checked by IP Australia for compliance with certain formalities. If there is compliance, registration usually takes place 3 months later.

Examination and certification

A design is not examined by IP Australia, unless you request examination. Normally, you would only request an examination if you sought to stop an infringer.

Examination occurs when examiners consider whether there is compliance with all the requirements for the design to be registered, including whether the design is new and distinctive.

After a successful examination, the design is certified, and you become entitled to stop infringers.