
Vaccination protocol for animals post-ABLV exposure | Business Queensland

Vaccination protocol for animals post-ABLV exposure

This is a short guide to implementing the post-ABLV exposure vaccination protocol. Further information, including the rational, what to consider, and the risks and benefits of the protocol is available in the document ABLV—Information for veterinarians.

From the time of potential contact to Day 35PV (residual risk period)

Isolate the potentially exposed animal and minimise contact between it and people and other animals until the post-exposure protocol has been completed. Ideally, only people with a history of rabies vaccination, and a recently demonstrated titre of >2 IU, should have contact with the animal; however, this may not be reasonable.

To isolate and minimise contact:

  • confine the animal to the house or yard, preferably in a section of the property not used by people or other animals (for example, the garage, laundry or fenced section of yard)
  • prevent contact with children. If contact with children cannot consistently be prevented at a specific place, consider sending either the animal or children to another location for the residual risk period
  • confine the animal at night – don't allow it to roam the house or sleep with people
  • don't take the animal to off-leash areas, parties, or other situations where the animal may have contact with people or other animals
  • take all reasonable steps to prevent unauthorised access and contact (for example, consider putting up warning signs and locking doors and gates).

Take all reasonable steps to avoid being bitten or scratched during the residual risk period. Everyone should wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) whenever contact with the animal is possible. PPE may include:

  • long-sleeved shirt
  • long pants
  • closed shoes
  • puncture-resistant gloves
  • a hat
  • glasses (preferably safety glasses)

If the animal shows signs suggestive of ABLV

If, at any point, an animal shows behavioural or clinical signs suggesting ABLV, isolate it (if safe to do so) and contact Biosecurity Queensland.

Day 0PV

Administer the first vaccination with Nobivac® rabies vaccine

If the animal is not microchipped, microchip and register it to comply with the APVMA permit.

Day 7PV

Administer the second vaccination with Nobivac® rabies vaccine

Day 35PV

If the animal is clinically well and isn't showing signs suggestive of ABLV you can consider the protocol complete.

The animal can return to normal management.

Advise the owner to take all reasonable steps to avoid future contact with bats.

Supplementary option to confirm seroconversion

Further information about the option to confirm seroconversion in an individual animal is available in the complete document, ABLV—Information for veterinarians. Post-vaccination confirmation of seroconversion may be indicated if:

  • you suspect an individual may not respond to the vaccine as intended (for example, due to immunosuppressive therapy or disease)
  • the owner seeks laboratory confirmation of a response to the vaccine.