
Scientific research | Business Queensland

Scientific research

Scientific research in Queensland is making a difference globally with strengths across all the fields of science, particularly in applying research that is important for ourselves, our region and the planet.

Queensland science is addressing some of the biggest challenges the world faces, including the health of our communities and environments, the quality and quantity of food available, clean energy, and sustainable economies

Queensland research is supporting our knowledge-based industries such as additive biomanufacturing, AI-enabled healthcare, advanced materials and precision engineering, and next generation aerospace and space technologies.

The Queensland Government supports scientific research by funding projects, collaborative arrangements, skills development and facilities, which in turn helps to attract and keep world-class researchers in Queensland. We also ensure the appropriate regulatory mechanisms are in place, and provide information and support to help the commercialisation of Queensland science.

This guide provides an overview of scientific research areas in Queensland, partnerships and networking opportunities, clinical trials and commercialisation support.