
Gas safety promotional campaigns | Business Queensland

Gas safety promotional campaigns

Gas devices have the potential to cause serious injury if not installed or used correctly.

The Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate has found that gas safety incidents are generally the result of:

  • not following safe practices or the manufacturer's instructions when using gas devices
  • doing gas work without a Gas Work Licence or Gas Work Authorisation.

As part of our 'Gas device safety is everyone's responsibility' safety campaign, we have developed a range of safety brochures and promotional materials.

You can help us promote the gas safety messages by displaying these materials in your retail store. Our inspectors will be distributing copies of these when they visit your premises, but you can request additional copies by emailing

No DIY gas work

A new campaign promoting gas safety awareness in commercial kitchens and food take away facilities will be delivered by the Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate. This initiative is in response to a recent incident involving a gas device in a café which resulted in serious injuries.

The Chief Inspector, Bill Date, recently discussed the new initiative during the RSHQ Industry Leaders' Briefing. Watch the No DIY Gas segment video of the briefing.

Got gas? Don't touch it – always use a licensed gas fitterGas device safety call-out thumbnail