
Resource application process overview | Business Queensland

Resource application process overview

Planning and developing a resources project in Queensland can involve many different regulatory requirements before mining can commence. To assist prospective holders of resource authorities in Queensland, the government has prepared a process overview flowchart to help applicants navigate the Queensland regulatory pathways.

Thumbnail of resource application process flowchart

Resource application process flowchart

The flowchart reflects the high-level approval pathways for proposed resource projects through the Queensland legislative framework. It identifies what processes need to be done in a particular order and what processes can occur in parallel.

The flowchart covers approval pathways required to facilitate resource projects, including:

  • resource authorities
  • environmental impact statements (under either the Environmental Protection Act 1994 and State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971)
  • tenure
  • environmental authorities.

This is designed to give you a high-level overview of the approval pathways that exist and guidance on each step.

Download the Resource application process flowchart (PDF, 282KB).