
Criminal history and security checks for security clearances | Business Queensland

Criminal history and security checks for security clearances

When you apply for a security clearance, you must disclose information about your criminal and domestic violence history in Queensland and elsewhere.

We will conduct checks with the Queensland Police Service, other state and national police forces, and security agencies to verify this information. This includes conducting an Australia-wide national criminal history (NCH) check and a politically motivated violence (PMV) check.

We generally consider your criminal history for the past 10 years when assessing your application.

In addition, when assessing your application, we may also consider your mental health, any information indicating a threat to public safety, and any other matters relating to your suitability to hold a clearance.

Refusal of clearance

If there is a current domestic violence order, a police protection notice, or release condition in effect against you, you will not be able to obtain a security clearance.

We may also refuse your application if you have been charged with or convicted of certain offences, or if you provide false or misleading information in your application.

Notifying us of any changes

You are required to tell us about any changes to your criminal history or domestic violence status.