
Categories of licences and permits for explosives | Business Queensland

Categories of licences and permits for explosives

Licence and permit categories

Explosives licences and permits are issued to a person and are categorised as corporate, partnership or individual.

Corporate licence

A corporate licence may be issued to a registered company, association or club, cooperative trading society or government agency. Licences can’t be issued to registered business names.

Partnership licence

A partnership licence may be issued to a combination of individuals, or a combination of other partnerships and corporations.

Note: Currently, partnerships should use the corporate application form.

Individual licence

An individual licence may be issued only to individual applicants.

Applying for an explosives licence or permit

To apply for a specific explosives licence or permit, see our sections for particular sectors and activities.

We can process your application within 20 working days if you complete the form correctly and provide all relevant supporting documents.