
Fuel seller statistics | Business Queensland

Fuel seller statistics

Volume of regular and ethanol-blended petrol sold by liable fuel retailers in megalitres

Below is a summary of fuel sales activity in Queensland by liable fuel retailers since the commencement of the sustainable biobased petrol mandate.

Statistics on the sustainable biobased diesel mandate are also summarised and published below.

The data reflects what fuel sellers have reported to the department for the relevant quarters. The department works with fuel sellers to address any identified data deficiencies or inaccuracies.

Figure 1. Volume of regular and ethanol-blended petrol sold by liable fuel retailers in megalitres

Note: The format of the graph has changed from publication of statistics on 7 December 2022. The black columns of the graph are regular-unleaded petrol (RULP) only, and Ethanol blends are shown adjacent. Prior to the format change, the black RULP columns included both RULP and Ethanol blends. This change was made to improve clarity and readability of data.

Volume of petrol types sold by liable fuel retailers in megalitres

The ethanol percentage for each quarterly period depicts the percentage of pure ethanol from the total volume of RULP and RULP blends, such as E10 and E85.

Since the January to March 2016 quarter (prior to commencement of the mandate on 1 January 2017), reportable volumes of E10, the most popular ethanol-blended petrol grade, have increased by 73%.

Total volumes of petrol sold can be expected to fluctuate over time. Reported sales volumes of E10, RULP and PULP petrol grades increased in the October to December 2023 quarter, compared to the previous quarter. The ethanol percentage remained at 2.9%.

The volume of premium unleaded petrol (PULP) is the combined volumes of 95RON and 98RON petrol due to the way the department collects data from fuel retailers.

Figure 2. Volume of petrol types sold by liable fuel retailers in megalitres

Petrol availability at retail sites owned or operated by liable fuel retailers

The number of sites offering biobased petrol has stabilised.

In the data below, the availability of PULP is the combined availability of 95RON and 98RON petrol. Sites selling PULP may be offering only 95RON, only 98RON, or both.

Figure 3. Petrol availability at retail sites owned or operated by liable fuel retailers

Biodiesel sales achieved by wholesalers

The percentage of biodiesel sold for each quarterly period depicts the percentage of B100 (pure un-blended biodiesel) from the total volume of diesel. The biodiesel percentage sold during the latest quarter is at 0.23% with sales volumes expected to fluctuate over time.

Figure 4. Biodiesel sales achieved by wholesalers

Note: Some previously reported data for earlier quarters has been updated, based on more recently reported information from fuel sellers.