
Guideline 36: Relocation of detached bottle shops | Business Queensland

Guideline 36: Relocation of detached bottle shops

Liquor Act 1992 - Section 154A

In considering applications for the relocation of a detached bottle shop within the 'same shopping precinct', the Commissioner for Liquor and Gaming must be satisfied that the bottle shop will:

  • service the same customer base as the existing shop and
  • continue to be within the existing local government zoning boundary for that category of development.

Examples of acceptable relocation include:

  • within the same regional shopping centre complex, under the same roof
  • within a strip of retail shops facing the same road on the same block
  • across an easement or car park.

The Commissioner will require an application to be advertised under Section 118 of the Act if it is considered that a new group of people, residents, or businesses who were not previously affected by the operation of the bottle shop, could potentially be affected.

The Commissioner may determine that an application for relocation is more appropriately considered as an application for a new detached bottle shop if:

  • the bottle shop will service a predominantly new or different customer base; or
  • the Commissioner determines that the application is for a substantially new site or catchment area and should be examined in relation to public interest.

Re-issued 24 January 2013
(Issued 27 August 2001)

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