
Processing objections to liquor licence applications | Business Queensland

Processing objections to liquor licence applications

When the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) receives a valid objection, we may hold a conference. This will allow objectors to discuss their concerns with the applicant. Outcomes are then reported to the Commissioner for Liquor and Gaming, who takes them into consideration when deciding whether to grant the application.

Objections conferences

Conference attendees can include:

  • valid objectors
  • the applicant
  • an OLGR compliance officer (as Chair)
  • representatives from local council or police.

They're not public meetings and the media can't attend.

At the conference:

  • objectors can discuss their issues and the grounds for objection
  • applicants will have the opportunity to respond to the issues raised.

Objectors can't comment in general on the public's best interests, but the Commissioner will accept and assess written submissions on public interest issues.

If the parties reach an agreement, they will be asked to sign a record of agreement. This doesn't mean the application will be granted. It's still up to the Commissioner to decide whether to grant the application, taking into account all material information and the purposes of the Liquor Act 1992.

If the parties don't reach an agreement, it is still up to the Commissioner to decide whether to grant or refuse the application.

Objectors can lodge further information in support of their objection with the Commissioner within 14 days of the conference.

Notifying parties of the outcome

The Commissioner will consider the conference report, comments from police and council and whether the application is in the public interest when deciding whether to grant or refuse an application.

OLGR will inform all parties of the outcome. If the objection was lodged by petition, only the petition sponsor will be notified and can then notify the other petitioners.

Appealing the decision

The applicant or a valid objector may appeal the Commissioner's decision to the Queensland Civil and Administration Tribunal (QCAT) within 28 days of the date of the letter advising of the decision.

QCAT may review the material that was before the Commissioner. Usually, no new evidence can be provided.

A submission based on public interest does not carry the right to appeal to QCAT.

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