
Results from the mystery shopper program | Business Queensland

Results from the mystery shopper program

The Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) acknowledges that the mystery shopper tests are designed to bypass some venue controls, and considers this when analysing the results.

Findings from the mystery shopper tests guide us to work with you in improving RSA practices. In particular, through raising licensee's awareness of what positively and negatively influences the responsible service of alcohol by industry staff.

The test outcomes will not result in enforcement action, but are an opportunity for OLGR and licensees to work together to resolve specific RSA issues.

Key findings from previous RSA mystery shopper trials

The 2014–15 trials covered a range of licensed venue types and environments, including entertainment precincts and suburbs. The 2016 mystery shopper program targeted the high-risk venues that were identified as more likely to experience RSA issues in the 2014–15 trials. Overall, some RSA issues were identified in 54% of these venues.

Key findings that licensees should consider are:

  • Patrons showing no signs of intoxication were able to purchase alcohol for an unduly intoxicated friend.
  • In 79% of tests in venues with multiple bars open for service, a patron refused service at one bar was able to purchase alcohol at another bar in the same venue a short time later.
  • Unduly intoxicated women were more likely to be served than their male counterparts.
  • Issues were more common in venues where a supervisor or manager was not visible.
  • Venues where bar, security and floor staff were monitoring the venue by watching or observing patrons were less likely to have RSA issues.
  • Environmental factors, such as poor lighting, higher noise levels and higher levels of crowding inside a venue negatively impact on RSA compliance.

Read Using the results from the mystery shopper program for tips on how to get your RSA up to scratch.

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