
Availability of QCOM 3 games in Queensland | Business Queensland

Availability of QCOM 3 games in Queensland

The introduction of QCOM 3 isn't expected to affect the availability or supply of games for the Queensland market as manufacturers make them 'QCOM 3 ready'.

Gaming machine manufacturers have a continuous game development cycle, so the switch from making old QCOM-enabled games to making QCOM 3 enabled games is relatively simple. The Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation doesn't foresee any interruption to the supply of new games to the Queensland market with the introduction of QCOM 3.

Licensed monitoring operators (LMOs) must support the latest QCOM protocol as a condition of their licence. This is not optional. LMOs' support for QCOM 3 gaming machines may influence manufacturers to develop them, so they remain competitive in the market.