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Ministerial Advisory Group

A Ministerial Advisory Group (MAG) has been established to monitor, guide and advise on the implementation of government and industry actions and expectations in the Queensland Resources Industry Development Plan (QRIDP). On 7 November 2023 the remit of the QRIDP Ministerial Advisory Group was expanded to include monitoring and advising on implementation of the Queensland Critical Minerals Strategy.

The group will provide strategic advice to support the progression of actions and ensure emerging policy and reforms continue to be developed in collaboration with industry and community. The group will also be the key mechanism to ensure ongoing engagement with industry and community to help achieve the ambitions of the QRIDP and the Queensland Critical Minerals Strategy.

The group consists of a core membership of representatives from government and from resources industry peak bodies, chaired by the Minister for Resources and Critical Minerals. Other stakeholders will be invited by the chair to join the advisory group as rotating members, where the focus or location is relevant. They may include, but are not limited to, local government, industry, community, First Nations people and academia.

Membership consists of:

  • Chair: Minister for Resources and Critical Minerals
  • Standing members:
    • Warwick Agnew, Director-General, Department of Resources
    • Shaun Ferris, Deputy Director-General, Department of Resources
    • Janette Hewson, Chief Executive Officer, Queensland Resources Council
    • To be announced, Director – Queensland, Association of Mining and Exploration Companies
    • Keld Knudsen, Director, Queensland, Australian Energy Producers
    • Stephen Durkin, Chief Executive Officer, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
  • Rotating members:
    • Other stakeholders and government representatives invited by the Chair.

Read the terms of reference (PDF, 133KB) for the Ministerial Advisory Group.


23 April 2024 Mount Isa
7 November 2023 Dalby
4 April 2023 Mackay
21 October 2022 Townsville (inaugural meeting)
Last reviewed 21 July 2023