
Queensland Small Business - it's your time to thrive - video transcript | Business Queensland

Queensland Small Business - it's your time to thrive - video transcript

Watch the Queensland Small Business – it's your time to thrive video and discover how the Queensland Government is supporting small businesses.

Small business plays an incredibly important role in making Queensland's economy strong.

Our more than 426,000 small businesses are contributing $110 billion to our gross state product, employing 44% of Queensland's private sector workforce, and making up 20% of all small businesses in Australia.

They are the heart and soul of every community in every city and regional centre across our great state.

There's a small business in every sector of every industry, and in every location in Queensland - from Brisbane's CBD, to regional cities, and tiny towns of our outback centres.

Small business isn't for the faint hearted. It's for the brave, the patient and the persistent.

And the Queensland Government is right beside you, recognising your contribution and supporting you through our Advancing Small Business Queensland Strategy.

It's our plan to help small business meet its challenges to start, grow and employ.

We want to help you work smarter, be sustainable, and achieve your growth aspirations.

And we want to thank you for your hard work, your dedication and your bravery.

It's because of you that Queensland is the great state that it is.

Watch the Queensland Small Business – it's your time to thrive video.