
Bores and groundwater | Business Queensland

Bores and groundwater

Find out about accessing groundwater and licensing and construction standards for water bores.


Access to groundwater

The take of groundwater for stock and domestic purposes is permitted in any part of Queensland.

Bore construction and approvals

Find out how what approvals you need, and how to locate and construct a water bore.

Apply for a water bore driller's licence

Learn about licencing and standards for water bore drillers and how to apply for a driller's licence.

Construction requirements for water bores

Learn about construction standards for bores, including additional requirements for the Great Artesian Basin and coal seam gas areas.

Bore reports

Use Queensland Globe or our quick search tool to get information on private registered bores and Queensland Government bores.

Underground water extraction

Find information on the process and requirements for the extraction of underground water by resource tenure holders.