
Trawl fisheries | Business Queensland

Trawl fisheries

Otter trawl, fin fish, river and inshore beam trawl fisheries.


Operating a trawl fishery

Fishery symbols, operating areas and requirements for the commercial trawl fisheries.

East coast otter trawl fishery

Management regions and operating requirements.

Fin fish (stout whiting) trawl fishery

Management arrangements, reporting requirements, equipment limits and closures.

River and inshore beam trawl fishery

Management arrangements, reporting requirements, equipment limits and closures.

Bycatch reduction devices

Queensland's east coast trawl fishery uses bycatch reduction devices (BRDs) to minimise bycatch where possible.

Turtle excluder devices

Requirements and standardised design specifications for installation.

Trawl exceptions and fishing days

A trawl exception allows you to carry out certain activities without effort units being deducted from your quota.