
Hendra virus | Business Queensland

Hendra virus

Find information on Hendra virus for horse owners, equestrian event organisers and veterinarians.

Hendra virus detected in Mackay

A confirmed case of Hendra virus has been detected in the Mackay area on 8 July 2022.

This is Queensland's first case of Hendra virus since 2017.

Contact your veterinarian immediately if you suspect your animal may have Hendra virus infection. Veterinarians that suspect Hendra virus infection in a patient should follow standard procedures to investigate the situation.


What is Hendra virus?

Information about Hendra virus, a zoonotic disease carried by flying foxes that causes illness in horses and people.

Reducing the risk of infection

How Hendra virus is transmitted to horses and people and how to minimise the risk of spreading the disease.

Personal protective equipment

What equipment you need to use to reduce your chance of catching Hendra virus when dealing with sick animals

Flying foxes and Hendra virus

How flying foxes are involved in transmission of Hendra virus, including what kind of trees they are attracted to.

Dogs and other animals

Information about the Hendra virus's effect on common pets and how to prevent your dog from being infected if you have a sick horse.

Responding to suspected infection

Who to contact if you think your horse might have Hendra, as well as how to remain safe during testing period and if the results confirm infection.

Equestrian events

What to do if you are planning an event involving horses to minimise the chance of, or be prepared for, a Hendra virus outbreak.

Vaccines for horses

A vaccine is available to help prevent Hendra virus disease in horses. Vaccination of horses is the most effective way to help manage Hendra virus disease.


Hendra virus information for veterinarians - infection control procedures, safely managing HeV risks, sampling and tests, rebates for PPE and past HeV cases.